Pediatrics Departments of Acıbadem Healthcare Group are organized to provide all children at 0 to 16 years of age with examination, treatment and preventive services in all of our outpatient clinics, centers and hospitals.
Pediatrics Departments is especially prioritizing the importance of breastfeeding in development of the baby. Moreover, phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism are screened in heel blood samples of all newborns in our department.
Physical, social and psychological development of babies is assessed and they are immunized in line with the recommendations of Ministry of Health and World Health Organization.
Our units also inform parents in detail about chronic diseases of childhood.
Diagnostic and Treatment Services in Pediatrics Department
Diagnosis and treatment services are rendered at following divisions of Pediatric Departments at hospitals and outpatient clinics of Acıbadem Healthcare Group.
Pediatric Allergy
Our department manages examinations, diagnosis and treatments of pediatric lung diseases, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, congenital anomalies, lung diseases related to prematurity, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, lung involvement of systemic diseases, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary hemosiderosis, gastroesophageal reflux and hydatid disease of liver. Pulmonary function tests and sweat tests are performed to diagnose these diseases.
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatric lung diseases, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, congenital anomalies, lung diseases related to prematurity, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, lung involvement of systemic diseases, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary hemosiderosis, gastroesophageal reflux and hydatid disease of liver are examined, diagnosed and treated.
Pulmonary function tests and sweat tests are performed to diagnose these diseases. The department collaborates with all other departments of the Group if necessary, especially with nuclear medicine department and biochemistry, pathology, genetics and other diagnostic laboratories.
Pediatric Endocrinology
Growth and adolescence disorders, thyroid diseases, diabetes, gender uncertainties, metabolic bone diseases, obesity, diseases of adrenal gland and hirsutism as well as disorders related to irregular menses are diagnosed, treated and followed up. Treatment methods are planned and applied especially for patients with diabetes and growth hormone deficiency.
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Diagnosis and treatment services are available for children with complaints related to or diseases of digestive tract. The division deals with gastrointestinal and hepatobilliary diseases which occur in childhood. The entire gastrointestinal system can be evaluated with endoscopy with due consideration of the age range.
Pediatric Hematology
Physicians of Pediatric Hematology Division diagnose and treat all diseases arising out of blood and blood products. Primary areas of focus are as follows: all forms of anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia; congenital blood diseases; Mediterranean anemia; Fanconi aplastic anemia; Diamand-Blackfan anemia; idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; neutropenia; childhood leukemia; bleeding diathesis; thrombosis; and clothing disorders.
Pediatric Cardiology
Our Pediatric Cardiology Unit aims to provide proper health service for children and fetuses with congenital or acquired heart diseases. Diagnosis and treatment services are provided using diagnosis and examination tools that are appropriate for pediatric age group.
Pediatric Nephrology
In Pediatric Nephrology division, our physicians who are specialized in this field deal with diseases of kidneys and urinary system in children. The primary focus of areas is pediatric kidney and urinary tract diseases, hypertension and rheumatic diseases, Familial Mediterranean Fever, systemic lupus erythematosus and articular rheumatism.
Pediatric Neurology
Pediatric Neurology divisions of Acıbadem Healthcare Group diagnose and treat neurologic disorders of childhood, such as convulsion, growth retardation starting at infancy, cerebral palsy, muscle diseases and diffuse developmental diseases like autism.
Pediatric Rheumatology
Diagnosis and treatment means are available in our Pediatric Rheumatology division for pediatric rheumatic diseases (age range: 0 to 16 years). Some of the diseases diagnosed and treated in the division are as follows; Familial Mediterranean Fever, pain syndromes, Behçet’s disease, pediatric rheumatism (juvenile idiopathic arthritis), recurrent fever secondary to a genetic disorder, Henoch - Schöenlein Purpura, lyme arthritis, arthritis secondary to rheumatic fever and streptococcus infection and rare pediatric primary vasculitis.
Pediatric Psychiatry
Pediatric Psychiatry Division of Acıbadem Healthcare Group believes that mental health is a necessity for a large part of the population in order to ensure a healthy public structure in our country, where more than half of the population is formed by children and adolescents.
Our Pediatric Psychiatry Division is a specialized branch which focuses on behavioral and social aspects of diseases along with the biological aspect and also attaches importance to education and preventive medicine.
Diseases such as attention disorder and hyperactivity are included in field of pediatric psychiatry, where individual psychotherapy, group therapy, play therapy, group therapy with psychodrama and family therapy are used to manage relevant diseases.
- Prof. AGOP ÇITAK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. ALİ BÜLENT ANTMEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. AZİZ POLAT, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. CENGİZ CANPOLAT, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. COŞKUN ÇELTİK (G), M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. EMRE ALHAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. FERHAT ÇEKMEZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. GÖKHAN AYDEMİR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. GÜLBİN BİNGÖL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. GÜLYÜZ ÖZTÜRK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. HATİCE İLGEN ŞAŞMAZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. LEYLA AĞAOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. MEHMET AKİF ÖZDEMİR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. MUSTAFA KORAY LENK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. MÜJGAN ALİKAŞİFOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. NECMİ AKSARAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. SELDA KARAAYVAZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. SERAP SEMİZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. VİLDAN ERTEKİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Prof. ZÜBEYDE GÜNDÜZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. BAHAR ÖZCABI, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. ENVER MAHİR GÜLCAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. FERHAT DEMİR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. FİLİZ TUBAŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. GÜNSELİ BOZDOĞAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. HEPSEN MİNE SERİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. PELİN DOĞAN (G), M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. SELMA AKTAŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assoc. Prof. SİBEL AKA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assist. Prof. BARAN CENGİZ ARCAGÖK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assist. Prof. MÜJDE ARAPOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- Assist. Prof. TARKAN İKİZOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ABBASGULU BAGHIROV, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ABDULKADİR KIRKGÖZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AFSSANE NİKAİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AHMET KÖRCEĞEZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AHMET GÜLEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ALİ MUSLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ALPER ORHON, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ALPER TUNGA ÖZBEK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ANIL CHOUSEIN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ARZU ÖZGENECİ ÖNGÜN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYÇA SÖZEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYDIN ÇELİK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYGUN BABAYEVA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYLA HAYTAN ÖNAL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYSEL AÇIKGÖZOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYŞE TOPUZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- AYŞENUR ZORTEYMUR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BABAK ABBASOV, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BARIŞ YAZAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BENAL ÇUBUK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BERKUN KONCAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BETÜL SARITAŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BEYHAN LEVENT ERDOĞAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BİLGE KAYIRAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BUKET ÖZTÜKEL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BURCU SOLMAZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BURCU KESMEZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BURCU SENA GÜNAYDIN ŞAHİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- BURHAN TURAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- CENGİZ AKBENLİOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- CEREN HANDE SEYYAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ÇİĞDEM KURT YAVRUCU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DEMET MATBEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DEMET ALAGÖZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DERYA BEKTEŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DİDEM ÇEVİK GÜNDOĞAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DİLEK ÇOBAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DOĞAN ÖNCÜ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- DUYGU GÜR ÜNAL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ECE ÇETİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ERBİL AYDEMİR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ESRA KOTAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ESRA KARABIYIK YÜKSEL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- EVRİM BAŞAK TANIR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- EVŞEN ÇETİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- FIRAT BEĞDE, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- FUNDA YILDIZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- FÜSUN GÖRÖZEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- GAMZE ŞARBAT, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- GAMZE BEREKET, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- GAMZE AVCI, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- GÜLŞAH GÜVEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- GÜLŞAH TAŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- HAKAN ERKMAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- HALİL KÖSE, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- HURİ AYDOĞAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- HÜSEYİN COŞKUN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İBRAHİM CİNGÖZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İKBALE YILMAZ CAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İLKAY DEĞERLİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İMRAN BARİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İMRE GÖKYAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- İREM BULUT, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- KAMURAN MUTLUAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- LALA SHEYKHOVA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- LEYLA YOLAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MAHMUT BAKTIR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MANOLYA HÜMA ŞANLI, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MAŞALLAH CANDEMİR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHMET KESİKMİNARE, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHMET KUŞKU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHMET ARSLANOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHMET MALÇOK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHMET SONER SARMAŞIK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEHTAP ACAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEMNUNE ALADAĞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MERVE KARACA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MERYEM NECAFİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MEVLÜT SALİM, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MUHAMMED SAMİ TUFAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MURAT ÇAĞLAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MURAT GÜVEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MURAT AYDIN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MUSTAFA GÖĞEBAKAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MUSTAFA ŞEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MUSTAFA KARTAL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- MÜNİRE MİNE BAĞIŞLAR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NECİP TUĞRUL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NECİP TOLGA ÖZBAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NESLİHAN KORKMAZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NİHAT ÇELEBİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NURAY KEÇECİOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NURCAN ERTEM, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NURİNİSA KARAGÖZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- NURŞAT ERDEMLİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- OYA DURAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ÖZLEM ALTAY YÜCEL, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- PINAR ATILKAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- RAMAZAN ÖZEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SALAHATTİN OKUR, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SANEM PİŞKİN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SEMRA MEHMETOĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SERAP SAPMAZ DENİZ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SERDAR KARA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SEVDA BERBEROĞLU, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SEVİL ELÇİN KIZILOK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SİBEL ÖZBEK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SUAT ÖZDEK, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SÜHEYLA YELDAN VATANSEVER, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- SÜREYYA FETHİ PAKSOY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ŞEBNEM ERSOY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ŞEBNEM KUTER, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ŞEYMA CÜNEYDİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ŞİRİN ZEYNEP HASKALP ARIKAN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- TAHİR AYDIN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- TİJEN DİRİ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- TUĞÇE KARACA, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- TÜLİN TURAN HIZLI, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ÜLKÜ YILMAZ TIRAŞ, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ÜMİT ŞEN, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- ÜMRAN DURANAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- YAKUP SABRİ ARIKER, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
- YEŞFA ŞEBNEM ÖZBAY, M.D. Pediatrics Book an Appointment
Adana Hospital
Altunizade Hospital
Ankara Hospital
Atakent Hospital
Ataşehir Hospital
Ataşehir Outpatient Clinic
Bağdat Outpatient Clinic
Bahçeşehir Outpatient Clinic
Bakırköy Hospital
Beylikdüzü Surgical Outpatient Clinic
Bodrum Hospital
Bodrum Outpatient Clinic
Bursa Hospital
Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital
Eskişehir Hospital
Etiler Outpatient Clinic
Fulya Hospital
Göktürk Outpatient Clinic
International Hospital
İzmir Kent Hospital
Kayseri Hospital
Kent Bayraklı Medical Center
Kozyatağı Hospital
Maslak Hospital
Taksim Hospital
Zekeriyaköy Outpatient Clinic