Prof. A. BÜLENT OKTAY, M.D.Urology
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Prof. A. ÇAĞRI BÜKE, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. A.TANER USTA, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ABDULLAH ZORLUOĞLU, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. AGOP ÇITAK, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. AHMET KOÇ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. AHMET AKYOL, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. AHMET DEMİRKAYA, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. AHMET ALPONAT, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. AHMET ALANAY, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. AHMET KARABULUT, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. AHMET TAYYAR, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. AHMET ÖZTÜRK, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. AHMET KARAMAN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. AHMET CEM BATUKAN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. AHMET CEMİL DALAY, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. AHMET ONUR ODABAŞI, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. AHMET TULGA ULUS, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. AHMET ÜMİT GÜLLÜ, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. AHMET YİĞİT ÇAKIROĞLU, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ALİ AKYÜZ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. ALİ TEKİN, M.D.Urology
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Prof. ALİ AYDINLAR, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ALİ KURTSOY, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. ALİ ARICAN, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. ALİ BÜLENT ANTMEN, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. ALİ RIZA KURAL, M.D.Urology
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Prof. ALP DİNÇER, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. ALP YENTÜR, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. ALP DEMİRELLER, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ALPAY TURAN SEZGİN, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ALPER KAYA, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ALPER ÖZKAN, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ALPER FINDIKCIOĞLU, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. ALTAN GÖKTAŞ, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. ALTAY BEDÜK, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. AREL GERELİ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ARİF ULUBİL, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ARZU TATLIPINAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ARZU ERTÜRK, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. ARZU AKÇAY, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. ARZU TİFTİKÇİ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. ASIM KAYTAZ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ATA CAN ATALAR, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ATAKAN YEŞİL, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. ATEŞ ÖNAL, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. AYHAN ÇEVİK, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. AYKUT SOYDER, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. AYŞE ÖNER, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. AYŞE SARIOĞLU, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. AYŞE YENİGÜN, M.D.Pediatric Allergy
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Prof. AYŞE KORKMAZ TOYGAR, M.D.Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
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Prof. AYŞE SESİN KOCAGÖZ, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. AYŞEGÜL ZÜMRÜTDAL, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. AYTEKİN AKYÜZ, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. AZİZ POLAT, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. AZİZ YAZAR, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. AZİZ KAYA ALTURFAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. BAHATTİN ÇİÇEK, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. BAKİ ADAPINAR, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. BANU ATALAR, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. BANU COŞAR, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. BARIŞ KOCAOĞLU, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. BAŞAK OYAN ULUÇ, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. BEHİCE KURTARAN, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. BEKİR SITKI CEBECİ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. BELGİN SELAM, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. BERİL AKMAN, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. BERNA ÖZKAN, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. BERRİN KARADAĞ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. BİLGİ BACA, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. BURAK ÖZKAN, M.D.Urology
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Prof. BURAK PAMUKÇU, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. BURAK AKAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. BURAK TANDER, M.D.Pediatric Surgery
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Prof. BURCU YAVUZ, M.D.Psychiatry
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Prof. BÜLENT TUTLUOĞLU, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. BÜLENT KISACIKOĞLU, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. BÜLENT ÖZÇELİK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. BÜLENT TIRAŞ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. BÜLENT DEĞERTEKİN, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. BÜLENT SAÇAK, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. BÜLENT KARABULUT, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. BÜNYAMİN KAPLAN, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. CAFER EROĞLU, M.D.Clinical Laboratory
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Prof. CAN ÇALIŞKAN, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. CAN KÜÇÜK, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. CAN ÖBEK, M.D.Urology
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Prof. CAN GÖNEN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. CAN ALPER ÇAĞICI, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. CANAN ERSÖZ, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. CANAN AYABAKAN, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. CEM ALHAN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. CEM AKBAL, M.D.Urology
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Prof. CEM FIÇICIOĞLU, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. CEM DEMİREL, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. CEM AYGÜN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. CEMAL ÜSTÜN, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. CENGİZ CANPOLAT, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. CEYDA EREL KIRIŞOĞLU, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. CİHAN URAS, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. CİHAN YILDIRIR, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. CİHAN AKSOY, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. CİHANGİR TETİK, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. COŞKUN ÇELTİK (G), M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. ÇAĞATAY KARŞIDAĞ, M.D.Psychiatry
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Prof. ÇAĞLAR ÇUHADAROĞLU, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. ÇAĞLAR YILGÖR, M.D.Spine Health
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Prof. ÇETİN VURAL, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ÇINAR BAŞEKİM, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. ÇİĞDEM ÜNAL GÜLMEDEN, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. ÇİĞDEM KALAYCIK ERTUGAY, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. DEMET TEKDÖŞ DEMİRCİOĞLU, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. DEMET ETİT, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. DENİZ GÖKALP, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. DENİZ TUNA EDİZER, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. DERYA EROĞLU, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. DİLAVER KAYA, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. DİLAVER ÖZTURAN, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. DİLAVER ERŞANLI, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. DİLEK BIYIK ÖZKAYA, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. DİLEK GÜVEN, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. DUHAN FATİH BAYRAK, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. DÜZGÜN YILDIRIM, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. E. LEVENT ELEMEN, M.D.Pediatric Surgery
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Prof. ECE AYDOĞ, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. ELİF AKPEK, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. EMEL ÖZTÜRK DURMAZ, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. EMEL GÜNGÖR, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. EMİNE NUR TOZAN, M.D.Treatment of pain (Algology)
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Prof. EMRE ALHAN, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. EMRE BOZKIRLI, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. EMRE ÖZKER, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. EMRE TOĞRUL, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ENDER SEMİZ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ENDER ARIKAN, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. ENİS ÖZYAR, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. ERCÜMENT YILMAZ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ERDAL OKUR, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. ERDOĞAN ERTÜNGEALP, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. EREN ERKEN, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. ERGÜN SEYFELİ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ERHAN SERİN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ERKAN VARDARELİ, M.D.Nuclear Medicine
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Prof. ERKİN ARIBAL, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. ERKİN ÖZTAŞ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. ERMAN AYTAÇ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. ERSİN EREK, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. ERSİN ÜLKÜR, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. ERTUĞRUL SEYREK, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. ESEN DEMİR, M.D.Pediatric Allergy
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Prof. ESER KAYA, M.D.Nuclear Medicine
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Prof. ETHEM KUMBAY, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. ETHEM TANKURT, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. EVRİM KADRİYE TEZCANLI, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. FAİK ACAR KOÇ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FARUK BUYRU, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FARUK ABİKE, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FARUK SUAT DEDE, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FATİH DİKİCİ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. FATİH BAYRAKLI, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. FATİH KÖKSAL, M.D.Clinical Laboratory
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Prof. FATİH ATA GENÇ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. FATİH OĞUZ ÖNDER, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. FATMA BİRSEN İNCE, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. FAYSAL DANE, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. FERDA ÖZDEMİR, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. FERDA KAHVECİ, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. FERHAN ÖZ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. FERHAT ÇEKMEZ, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. FERİDUN ÇİLLİ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. FEVZİ TORAMAN, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. FEYZULLAH ÇETİNKAYA, M.D.Pediatric Allergy
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Prof. FUAT DEMİRKIRAN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FUAT DEMİRCİ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. FUAT BİLGEN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. FUAT DEMİREL, M.D.Urology
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Prof. FULYA AĞAOĞLU, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. FUNDA VESİLE ÇORAPCIOĞLU, M.D.Pediatric Oncology
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Prof. G. ERTUĞRUL MİRZA, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. GAMZE UĞURLUER SÜMER, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. GAMZE ERFAN, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. GÖKHAN BOZKURT, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. GÖKHAN AYDEMİR, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. GÖKHAN DEMİR, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. GÖKSEL DİKMEN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. GÜL ESEN İÇTEN, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. GÜL BAŞARAN, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. GÜL SAĞIN SAYLAM, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. GÜLBİN BİNGÖL, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. GÜLCİHAN ÖZKAN, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. GÜLSAN SUCAK, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. GÜLTEKİN KARAKUŞ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. GÜNDÜZ TEZEREN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. GÜNGÖR BOZTAŞ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. GÜRALP ONUR CEYHAN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. GÜRHAN ŞİŞMAN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. H. ARMAĞAN ARICAN, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. HACER KUZU OKUR, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. HAKAN AĞIR, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. HAKAN SEÇKİN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. HAKAN CINCIK, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. HAKAN YILDIZ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. HAKAN NECİP İŞCAN, M.D.Oral and Dental Health
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Prof. HAKAN TURAN ÇİFT, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. HAKAN ÜMİT ÜNAL, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. HALDUN AKGÖZ, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. HALE GÖKSEVER ÇELİK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. HALİL KOYUNCU, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. HALİT ÇAVUŞOĞLU, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. HALUK ÖZKARAKAŞ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. HALUK ESGİN, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. HALUK HAYRİ ÖZTEKİN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. HAMDİ KARAKAYALI, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. HANİFE ALTUNKAYA, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. HARZEM ÖZGER, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. HASAN UÇMAK, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. HASAN M. TANYERİ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. HAYATİ ÖZKAN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. HİLAL ÜNAL, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. HÜLYA DEDE, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. HÜLYA HAMZAOĞLU, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. HÜSEYİN BAYRAM, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. HÜSEYİN TÖZ, M.D.Nephrology
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Prof. HÜSEYİN ENGİN (G), M.D.Oncology
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Prof. HÜSNÜ GÖRGEN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ILGAZ DOĞUSOY, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. IŞIK ASLAY, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. İBRAHİM KAYA, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. İBRAHİM BİLDİRİCİ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. İBRAHİM BERBER, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. İBRAHİM TUNCAY, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. İBRAHİM YILDIZ, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. İBRAHİM ÖZKAN AKINCI, M.D.Intensive Care
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Prof. İFTAHAR KÖKSAL, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. İKBAL ESEN AYDINGÖZ, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. İLKKAN DÜNDER, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. İLTER TÜFEK, M.D.Urology
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Prof. İNAN ANAFOROĞLU, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. İSHAK SAFA TÜZÜN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. İSMAİL HAMZAOĞLU, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. İSMAİL ÇEPNİ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. İSMAİL CİNEL, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. İSMET TAMER, M.D.Family Medicine
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Prof. JAVAD PARVIZI, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. K. LATİF ABBASOĞLU, M.D.Pediatric Surgery
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Prof. K.FEHMİ NARTER, M.D.Urology
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Prof. KAĞAN TUN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. KAHRAMAN ÖZTÜRK, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. KAYIHAN ULUÇ (G), M.D.Neurology
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Prof. KAZIM ÜZÜM, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. KEMAL ÖZYURT, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. KENAN KOÇ, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. KENAN HIZEL, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. KEREM BİLSEL, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. KERİM SARIYILMAZ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. KOPTAGEL İLGÜN, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. KORAY ÖZDUMAN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. KORAY GÜVEN, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. KORHAN ÖZKAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. KUTSAL TURHAN, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. KÜBRA EREN BOZDAĞ, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. LEVENT ERİŞEN, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. LEVENT ERALP, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. LEYLA AĞAOĞLU, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. LEYLA ÖZER, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. LÜTFİ TELCİ, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. LÜTFİ TUNÇ, M.D.Urology
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Prof. LÜTFİ ÖZKAN, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. M. NADİR ŞENER, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. M.EMRE ÜSTÜNDAĞ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. M.FARUK KÖSE, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. M.ÖZCAN ERDEMLİ, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. MAHİR GÜLŞEN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MEFKÜR BAKAN, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. MEHDİ S.ÖĞÜT, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. MEHMET ADA, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MEHMET ÖZKAN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. MEHMET CINCIK, M.D.In Vitro Fertilization Centers
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Prof. MEHMET AKİF SOMDAŞ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MEHMET ALİ ŞEHİTOĞLU, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MEHMET ALİ VARDAR, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. MEHMET AYTAÇ YÜKSEL, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. MEHMET CİHAT ÜNLÜ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. MEHMET E. ERDİL, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MEHMET OKTAN EROL, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. MEHMET SERDAR BİNNET, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MEHMET TEMEL YILMAZ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. MEHMET UFUK ABACIOĞLU, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. MEHMET UĞUR ÖZBAYDAR, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MEHMET VELİ KARAALTIN, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. MEHMET ZAFER BERKMAN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. MEHMET ZİYA ÖZÜER, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MEHTAP ÇAKIR, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. MELİH PAKSOY, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. MELTEM SERİN, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. MELTEM VURAL, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. MEMET ÖZEK, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. MERAL BAYRAMOĞLU, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. MERİÇ ŞENGÖZ, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. MERT ERKAN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. MERT ŞENTÜRK, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. METE GÜNGÖR, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. METEHAN ÖZEN, M.D.Pediatric Infectious Diseases
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Prof. METİN ERTEM, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. METİN UZUN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. METİN TÜRKMEN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. METİN GÜRSÜRER, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. METİN ÇAKMAKÇI, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. MİTAT BAHÇECİ, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. MOŞE BENHABİB, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. MUAMMER DOYGUN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. MUAZZEZ ÇEVİK, M.D.Pediatric Surgery
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Prof. MUHSİN ERASLAN, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. MURAT GÖNENÇ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. MURAT TOPRAK, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MURAT ŞAMLI, M.D.Urology
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Prof. MURAT YAYLA, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. MURAT AKSU, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. MURAT SUNGUR, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. MURAT KARAMAN, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MURAT TOPDAĞ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. MURAT TURFAN, M.D.Sports Medicine
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Prof. MURAT SEZER, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. MURAT BOZKURT, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MURAT KILIÇ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. MURAT SARUÇ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. MUSTAFA KARAHAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MUSTAFA SEYHAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MUSTAFA ÖZTÜRK, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. MUSTAFA KORAY LENK, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. MUSTAFA ÇETİNER, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. MUSTAFA HERDEM, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. MÜFİT KALELİOĞLU, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. MÜSLİME AKBABA, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. NADİR KAYA, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. NAİL SUAT ÜNVER, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. NAMIK DEMİR, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. NAZAN BENGÜDENİZ ERDA, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. NAZIM KORKUT, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. NECMETTİN PAMİR, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. NECMİ AKSARAY, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. NESLİAR ESER KUTSAL, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. NESLİHAN KURTULMUŞ, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. NEŞE TUNCER, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. NEVZAT ÖZCAN, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. NEVZAT SELİM GÖKAY, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. NİDA BAYIK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. NİGAR BAYKAN, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. NİHAT YAVUZ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. NUR DİLEK BAKAN, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. NURAN BEŞE, M.D.Radiation Oncology
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Prof. NURDAN TÖZÜN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. NURZEN SEZGİN, M.D.Clinical Laboratory
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Prof. ORHAN DEMİRCAN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. ORHAN BARANSU, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. ORHAN ÇINAR, M.D.Emergency Service
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Prof. OSMAN GÜVEN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. OYA YÖNAL, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. ÖMER ÖGE, M.D.Urology
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Prof. ÖMER YALÇIN, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. ÖMER FARUK TAŞER, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ÖNDER US, M.D.Neurology
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Prof. ÖNER GÜLCAN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. ÖZGE GÜMÜŞAY, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. ÖZGÜL ALTINTAŞ, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. ÖZGÜR YAĞMUR, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. ÖZGÜR ÇETİK, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. ÖZKAN KANAT, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. ÖZLEM PATA, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ÖZLEM BARUTÇU, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. ÖZLEM SÖNMEZ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. ÖZLEM AYDIN, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. ÖZLEM DİCLE, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. ÖZLEM ÇELİK, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. ÖZLEM ER, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. ÖZNUR ÖKEN, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. RANA KARAYALÇIN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. REFİK ERDİM, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. REHA BARAN, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. REMZİ TÖZÜN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. REYHAN ÇELİKER, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. REZAN TOPALOĞLU, M.D.Pediatric Rheumatology
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Prof. RIZA TÜRKÖZ, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. RIZA DUNDAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. RÜŞTÜ SERTER, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. S. SAMİ KARTI, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. S.TOLGA AYDOĞ, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. SABAHATTİN KAYMAKOĞLU (G), M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. SABRİ AYDIN (G), M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. SAFA GÜRSOY, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SAİME PAYDAŞ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. SALİH MARANGOZ (G), M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SALİH SERDAR ERTURAN, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. SARPER KARAKÜÇÜK, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. SEDEF ŞAHİN, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. SEFA MÜEZZİNOĞLU, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SELÇUK PALAOĞLU, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. SELÇUK SIZMAZ, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. SELDA ÖZÇIRPICI, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. SELDA KARAAYVAZ, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. SELİM AKSÖYEK, M.D.Pediatric Surgery
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Prof. SEMA YARMAN, M.D.Endocrinology
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Prof. SEMA AYDOĞDU, M.D.Pediatric Gastroenterology
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Prof. SEMİH HALEZEROĞLU, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Prof. SERAP SEMİZ, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. SERAP UTAŞ, M.D.Dermatology
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Prof. SERAP GENÇER, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. SERDAL KORKMAZ, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. SERDAR ÖZGEN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. SERDAR BEKEN, M.D.Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
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Prof. SERHAT ÇELİKEL, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. SERKAN ERKANLI, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. SERKAN ŞENER, M.D.Emergency Service
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Prof. SEVGİ ŞAHİN, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. SEYHAN TOPBAŞ, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. SEYİT ALİ GÜMÜŞTAŞ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SEZGİN SARBAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SİBEL KAHRAMAN AKÖZER, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. SİMAY A.KARA, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. SİNAN YAVUZ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. SİNAN KARAOĞLU, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. SİNAN DAĞDELEN, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. SİNAN ZEREN, M.D.Urology
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Prof. SİRET RATİP, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. SOLMAZ BALCI AKAR, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. SONER SOLMAZ, M.D.Hematology
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Prof. SÜDA TEKİN, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. SÜHA GÖKSEL, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. SÜLEYMAN ÖZYALÇIN, M.D.Treatment of pain (Algology)
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Prof. SÜLEYMAN CANSUN DEMİR, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ŞAFAK KIZILTAŞ, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. ŞAHİN ZETEROĞLU, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. ŞAHİN ŞENAY, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. ŞENOL POLAT, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ŞULE ARSLAN, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. ŞÜKRÜ YAZAR, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Prof. ŞÜKRÜ AKTAN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. TAMER KARŞIDAĞ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. TANER GÜNEŞ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. TANER KORKMAZ, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. TANER YAVUZ, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. TANSEL EROL, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. TANSU KARAAHMET, M.D.Cardiology
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Prof. TANSU KÜÇÜK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. TARIK ZAFER NURSAL, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. TAYYAR SARIOĞLU, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. TEVFİK FİKRET ÇERMİK, M.D.Nuclear Medicine
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Prof. TEVFİK RIFKI EVRENKAYA, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. TİBET ERDOĞRU (G), M.D.Urology
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Prof. TOLGA TÜZÜNER, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. TOLGA ERGİN (G), M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. TUFAN BİLGİN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. TUGAN BEŞE, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. TUĞBAY TUĞ, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. TUĞÇİN BORA POLAT, M.D.Pediatric Cardiology
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Prof. TUNÇ OVALI, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. TURGAY ÇELİKEL, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Prof. TURGUT AYDIN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. U.EMRAH ALTIPARMAK, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Prof. UFUK TOPUZ, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Prof. UFUK DEMİRKILIÇ, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. UFUK AYDINLI, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. UFUK KEMAL GÜLSOY, M.D.Radiology
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Prof. UĞUR ÇINAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. UĞUR ÖZİÇ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. UĞUR IŞIK, M.D.Pediatric Neurology
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Prof. UĞUR ÖZBEK, M.D.Medical Genetics
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Prof. UMUT AKGÜN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. UYGUR ER, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. ÜLKEM ÇAKIR, M.D.Nephrology
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Prof. ÜLKÜ NOYAN, M.D.Oral and Dental Health
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Prof. ÜLKÜ TUNCER, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ÜMİT İNCE, M.D.Pathology
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Prof. V. MELİH KARA, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. VAHİT EMRE ÖZDEN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. VEFKİ GÜRHAN KADIKÖYLÜ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. VELİ YALÇIN, M.D.Urology
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Prof. VİLDAN ERTEKİN, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. VOLKAN ÖZBEN, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. VOLKAN NOYAN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Prof. YAMAN TOKAT, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. YAMAN SARPEL, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Prof. YASEMİN ŞENYÜREK, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. YASEMİN ERSOY, M.D.Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
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Prof. YASEMİN ALANAY, M.D.Pediatric Genetic Diseases
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Prof. YAŞAR ÜNLÜ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. YAŞAR ÇOLAK, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Prof. YAVUZ BAYKAL, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. YAVUZ ATAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. YEŞİM ERALP, M.D.Oncology
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Prof. YILDIZ OKUTURLAR, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. YILMAZ BÜYÜKUNCU, M.D.General Surgery
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Prof. YUNUS AYDIN, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. YUSUF KENAN YALÇINBAŞ, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Prof. YUSUFHAN SÜOĞLU, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. YÜKSEL ERSOY, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. ZEYNEP GÜVEN, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Prof. ZEYNEP KARAALİ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Prof. ZEYNEP YEZDAN FIRAT, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Prof. ZİYA AKAR, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Prof. ZÜBEYDE GÜNDÜZ, M.D.Pediatrics
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Prof. ZÜLEYHA ÇALIKUŞU, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. A. ENES ARIKAN, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. A. ERDEM KILAVUZ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. ABDULFETTAH TÜMTÜRK, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Assoc. Prof. ABDULLAH OKAN, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Assoc. Prof. ADİL KILIÇ, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Assoc. Prof. AFAG AGHAYEVA, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. AHMET KÜÇÜKÇELEBİ, M.D.Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. AHMET ARNAZ, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. AHMET IFRAN, M.D.Hematology
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Assoc. Prof. AHMET ÖZVEREN, M.D.Oncology
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Assoc. Prof. AHMET YEŞİLYURT, M.D.Medical Genetics
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Assoc. Prof. AKİF İŞLEK, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. ALİ TİTİZ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. ALİ ÖZER, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. ALİ HARMAN, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. ALPER EKEN, M.D.Urology
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Assoc. Prof. ALPER KARAKUŞ, M.D.Cardiology
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Assoc. Prof. ALTUĞ YÜCEKUL, M.D.Spine Health
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Assoc. Prof. ANDAÇ SALMAN, M.D.Dermatology
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Assoc. Prof. ARAS ŞENVAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. ATA CAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. ATAKAN DEMİR, M.D.Oncology
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Assoc. Prof. AYÇA ERŞEN DANYELİ, M.D.Pathology
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Assoc. Prof. AYÇA ÖZBAL KOÇ, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. AYLİN ALTAN KUŞ, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. AYŞE EBRU BAHADIR, M.D.Ophthalmology
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Assoc. Prof. AYŞENUR ÖZDERYA, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. BAHADIR OSMAN BOZKIRLI, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. BAHAR TEMUR, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. BAHAR ÖZCABI, M.D.Pediatrics
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Assoc. Prof. BAHATTİN TANRIKULU, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Assoc. Prof. BAKİ ERDEM (G), M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. BARAN BOZKURT, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Assoc. Prof. BARIŞ GÖRGÜN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. BEDRİYE KOYUNCU SÖKMEN, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. BENNUR ESEN ATAY, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. BERKİN TOKER, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. BERTAN CENGİZ, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. BETÜL MAZLUM (G), M.D.Pediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Assoc. Prof. BORA ÖZVEREN, M.D.Urology
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Assoc. Prof. BURAK ÇITAMAK, M.D.Urology
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Assoc. Prof. BURAK ÖZTURAN, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. BURCU BULUM AKBULUT, M.D.Pediatric Nephrology
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Assoc. Prof. BURÇİN BEKEN (G), M.D.Pediatric Allergy
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Assoc. Prof. BÜLENT GÜÇYETMEZ, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Assoc. Prof. BÜLENT CAN (G), M.D.Endocrinology
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Assoc. Prof. CANAN DUMAN, M.D.Oral and Dental Health
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Assoc. Prof. CEM KÖZ, M.D.Cardiology
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Assoc. Prof. CEM GÜN, M.D.Emergency Service
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Assoc. Prof. CEREN YILDIZ EREN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. CEVAT RIFAT CÜNDÜBEY, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. CÜNEYT GÖÇMEZ, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Assoc. Prof. CÜNEYT NARİN, M.D.Cardiovascular Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. ÇAĞLAR BAYSAL, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Assoc. Prof. ÇAĞLAR RUHİ, M.D.Nephrology
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Assoc. Prof. ÇAĞRI ÖRS, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. ÇETİN KILIÇÇI (G), M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. DEMET ÇEKDEMİR, M.D.Hematology
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Assoc. Prof. DENİZ ATASOY, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. DENİZ CAN ALİŞ, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. DENİZHAN DİZDAR, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. DİDEM ÖNCEL YAKAR, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. DİĞDEM ÖZER ETİK, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Assoc. Prof. DİLEK ALTUN, M.D.Anesthesiology
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Assoc. Prof. DİLEK HACER ÇEŞME, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. EBRU SEVİNÇ OK, M.D.Nephrology
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Assoc. Prof. ECE ORHON, M.D.Psychiatry
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Assoc. Prof. ECE ÖZCAN EKŞİ, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Assoc. Prof. ELİF MEŞECİ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. ELİF GANİME AYGÜN, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. EMEL UR ÖZÇELİK, M.D.Neurology
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Assoc. Prof. EMİNE KARABÜK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. EMİNE ACAR AKKAYA, M.D.Nuclear Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. EMİNE ŞATIR, M.D.Gastroenterology
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Assoc. Prof. EMİR ÇAPKINOĞLU, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. EMRE ÖZGÜ, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. EMRE KARABAY, M.D.Urology
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Assoc. Prof. EMRE GÜNAY, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. EMRULLAH HAYTA, M.D.Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Assoc. Prof. ENGİN ÇELİK (G), M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. ENVER MAHİR GÜLCAN, M.D.Pediatrics
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Assoc. Prof. ERKİN İSMAİL, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. ERSİN ÖZASLAN, M.D.Oncology
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Assoc. Prof. ERSOY HAZNECİ, M.D.Dermatology
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Assoc. Prof. ERTUĞRUL EMRE GÜNTÜRK, M.D.Cardiology
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Assoc. Prof. ESRA NUR ADEMOĞLU DİLEKÇİ, M.D.Internal Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. EYÜP GEMİCİ, M.D.General Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. F. ARDA ATAR, M.D.Urology
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Assoc. Prof. FAHRETTİN KILIÇ, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. FATİH BÜYÜKCAM, M.D.Emergency Service
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Assoc. Prof. FATMA TOKAT, M.D.Pathology
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Assoc. Prof. FERDA ÇAĞAVİ, M.D.Neurosurgery
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Assoc. Prof. FERHAT DEMİR, M.D.Pediatrics
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Assoc. Prof. FIRAT TÜLEK, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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Assoc. Prof. FİLİZ SAÇAN, M.D.Radiology
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Assoc. Prof. FİLİZ TUBAŞ, M.D.Pediatrics
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Assoc. Prof. FİLİZ GÜLÜSTAN, M.D.Otorhinolaryngology
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Assoc. Prof. GÖKHAN ERGENE, M.D.Thoracic Surgery
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Assoc. Prof. GÖKHAN KARADEMİR, M.D.Orthopedics and Traumatology
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Assoc. Prof. GÜL DABAK, M.D.Pulmonary Medicine
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Assoc. Prof. GÜLFEM BAŞOL, M.D.Gynecology and Obstetrics
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